Civil & Environmental Engineering Department

Civil engineering makes modern life attractive, convenient, safe and comfortable. From contsructing spacious and comfortable buildings to designing roads that are efficient and safe, ensuring that there is plenty of clean water and strengthening our bridges, civil engineers build society. The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Temple University provides students with a high quality, affordable civil and environmental engineering foundation for success. Basic mathematics, physical sciences, engineering sciences and the humanities prepare students to develop solutions to complex design problems. Advanced education in a variety of Civil and Environmental Engineering disciplines develops a range of specialized, in-demand skills and preparation for professional licensure, graduate studies and future research.

The College conducts in-depth research into engineering progress. This is particularly important for the array of structural elements that support architectural spatial distribution or for designing highway systems that can adequately support the weight and stresses of vehicles in motion and the centrifugal forces at the curves. Research and innovations to protect and preserve our water resources system is particularly important. Civil and environmental engineers arrange for the water intake at appropriate sources, design water conveyance sets that transports the water to a water treatment plant and water distribution networks that deliver the sanitized water to the urban user.

The Department prepares graduates to lead in a modern, complex society. We also prepare our students to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life while supporting an educational environment that upholds the value of human diversity, cooperation through teamwork, technological innovation and lifelong learning.